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The Bar Stool Preachers

Brighton, UK
For Fans Of... Rancid, Specials, Dropkicks

In a time when new punk bands have less and less to say, a bright light shines across the pond from Brighton, England. And do we ever need it in our world today! Defying genres, impossible to put in a box, challenging to the best of writers, this is a band you’ll want to interview rather than review. Their latest album is the perfect blend of intelligent punk anthems and poignant, unsentimental love songs, both combined with the most infectious music you’ll hear this decade. You get a full twelve songs of hits on this record, no filler, with a different song rising to the top to be ‘your favourite’ on every listen. Yes, this album is that good. From the eclectic scene of punk and ska bands in the UK, The Bar Stool Preachers are a band for EVERYONE – a group of blue collar musicians who can instantly connect with anyone they play for. Exhibiting a tireless DIY work ethic that is unparalleled by its peers, the band has traveled the world gaining fans with engaging performances on the back of its critically acclaimed debut “Blatant Propaganda.”

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10:45 PM
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